Bear Gen 6 Grizzly Trucks Reviewed: Surprisingly Good! May 24, 2020 Full disclosure, I wasn’t a fan of the 5th generation Bear Grizzlies 852. In fact, I haven’t liked Bear trucks in general. I found…
Dugout Review Bonus: Other Setups! February 16, 2020 When you’re looking at a setup like the Dugout, you could consider just the complete from the company. After all, they did a great…
Landyachtz Dugout Review: A Nimble Sidewalk Surfer February 3, 2020 This board came to me in a dream. No, really. I frequently have these complex dreams with their own dream geography. I was exploring…
Landyachtz Bamboo Pinner 44 Review: Easygoing Fun November 10, 2019 Skating is a fun hobby. Often, it’s about bombing a hill faster, learning a new trick or skill, commuting as fast as you can,…
Sneaky Landyachtz Releases HollowTech Dinghy September 12, 2019 I only get so much money, Landyachtz! I recently purchased their Drop Cat 33 short longboard (coming soon!), but now Landyachtz comes back to…